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Superintendent Charles Bradley

Mustang Public Schools' superintendent is a long-time district employee and administrator.   Charles Bradley joined the Mustang Public School District in 1998 and has experience as a district teacher, coach, and administrator.

Charles Bradley stands in front of Morsey

His administrative experience includes serving as the interim high school principal, district executive director, top academic officer, deputy superintendent, and the interim superintendent.  The school board hired Mr. Bradley at the December 10, 2018, board meeting to be the Superintendent for Mustang Public Schools.  

“I believe in our teachers and staff and look forward to the future as we both grow in enrollment and in academic strength. Mustang has much to be proud of, and we have a bright future ahead,” Bradley said.  

Bradley and his wife, Christy, the principal at Mustang North Middle School, have two sons, Garrison and Grant.

Email Mr. Bradley

Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education Stacy Edwards

Stacy Edwards has over twenty years of experience in public education and has served in a number of capacities within Oklahoma school districts.  Her career in public education began in Kellyville, Oklahoma, where she taught kindergarten and second grades.

Stacy Edwards headshot

 Stacy also taught in Yukon Public Schools and Deer Creek Public Schools.  While teaching, Stacy attained certification from the  National Board of Professional Teaching Standards and later went on to earn an M.A. in Educational Leadership from The University of Central Oklahoma.  Stacy then left the classroom to pursue her career as an administrator.  She was an assistant principal in Edmond Public Schools prior to becoming the head principal of Rose Union Elementary in Deer Creek.  Stacy joined the administrative team in Mustang in the fall of 2013, where she served as the Executive Director of Elementary Schools until being named the Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education in 2019. 

Stacy is married to James Edwards, who spent many years as a teacher and coach.  Together they have two wonderful children, Peyton and Jace.  

"Serving the Mustang community as the Executive Director of Elementary Schools has been extremely rewarding and one of the greatest honors of my career as a professional educator.  I have also loved continuing my work with MPS as the Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education.  I enjoy working alongside Mr. Bradley and our outstanding administrative team as we continue to address the needs of our rapidly growing community and equip our students to be college, career, and future-ready!"   

Email Stacy Edwards

Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education Ryan McKinney

Ryan McKinney headshot

Ryan McKinney has been in public education for over twenty years. After graduating with his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Central Oklahoma, he began his career with Norman Public Schools, where he taught band for ten years.  During his time teaching, he had the opportunity to be a mentor teacher to several student teachers from the University of Oklahoma. With his passion for students and helping develop future teachers, he began to pursue school administration. 

After graduating with his Master’s degree from Southern Nazarene University, he was hired as an administrator with Mustang Public Schools. Ryan has worked with Mustang Schools for over fifteen years and has served as an assistant principal at Mustang North Middle School, assistant principal at Mustang High School, head principal at Mustang North Middle School, Executive Director of Secondary Schools, and is currently the Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education.

Ryan is married to Holly McKinney.  Holly is a former principal for Mustang Public Schools and is currently in District Administration for Norman Public Schools.  Together Ryan and Holly have three children and several grandchildren.  

“I am passionate about growing every child academically and socially while providing opportunities that meet every child’s interest.  Mustang Public Schools is a collaborative community that meets these needs and challenges our students with the best teachers and staff to provide high-quality academics, fine arts, athletics, STEM, and more.  Mustang Public Schools has amazing staff and parents to support the students, schools, and programs that make up the Bronco Community.”

Email Ryan McKinney

Assistant Superintendent of Operations Dr. Jason Pittenger

Dr. Jason Pittenger began his educational career as a Science teacher in the Tulsa area at Union Intermediate High School.  In the classroom for 10 years, teaching Chemistry, Biology, and computer programming, he leveraged an opportunity to become an Assistant Principal in the same building he was teaching. He served the students and staff at Union Public Schools for three years in this role.    

Jason Pittenger headshot

With this unique experience, he expanded his skill set to serve the community of Edmond as the Curriculum Assistant Principal at Edmond North High School.  During his time in this role, he worked diligently to identify academic metrics and solutions for continuous improvement.  Following four years in this role, he was blessed to be chosen to lead the school in the building Principal role.  During his six years as the Principal, Edmond North was named the top comprehensive public high school in the state of Oklahoma for three consecutive years, according to U.S. News and World Report.  Following this experience, he moved to the Oklahoma State Department of Education as the Executive Director of Accreditation, serving the 500+ school districts of Oklahoma.  

In this role, his division worked directly with Federal Programs, State Aid, Special Education, Personnel, Student Services, Transportation, Child Nutrition, Assessment, and Accountability, among others.  

Jason has been in education in Oklahoma for over 25 years.  He has a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree from Oklahoma State University and has earned his Doctorate from Southern Nazarene University (2021).  He has 2 boys, Lane and Lyric.  Dr. Pittenger has coached travel Ice Hockey for over a decade and enjoys all things music in his spare time.

“Mustang is a quality district with quality people doing wonderful things for kids," he said.  "I feel very fortunate to be in a district with such visionary leadership, wonderful community support, terrific kids, and great people.  I enjoy serving this community in ways that support the mission and vision of the district, allowing our teachers and staff to maximize the potential of each and every student."

Email Dr. Jason Pittenger