Bonds & Construction
Creating safe learning environments for our future
We at the Bonds and Construction Department are passionate about our work to help ensure that all Mustang Public Schools are safe, supportive, learning environments and that all our students and staffs are equipped with the highest possible quality learning resources!
The bond office works collaboratively with all schools and departments to plan and complete bond funded projects supporting all members of the MPS community. Projects range from the construction of major school additions and schoolwide remodels to the purchase of a wide range of classroom materials including microscopes, textbooks, and computers. In addition to planning with district schools, departments and teams, the bond office works closely with city, state and national organizations and with local community groups on the development and deployment of school bond projects.
Bonds and Construction Department 12400 SW 15th Yukon, OK 73099 Phone: 405-376-7342 Fax: 405-376-7901 |
Colin Meeks, Director of Construction
Previous Bond Issues
2023 - Momentum23
News & Notes
News & Notes
Exciting progress is happening at Sunset Hill Elementary! 🏫✨
Click the title above to learn more.
Wanna know more? Click the title above for details!
We’re thrilled to introduce our newest addition to the Mustang Public Schools family—Sunset Hill Elementary School!
Click for more information!
Click the title above to view the #Momentum23 Bond Project Update from the August 12, 2024 Board of Education Meeting.
Click the title above to view the #Momentum23 Bond Project Update from the June 10, 2024 Board of Education Meeting.
The word is out: Mustang is a wonderful place to live and to learn. Families are choosing to be part of our community, which offers first-class schools, safe neighborhoods and a supportive, connected Bronco Family. We currently serve just over 13,500 students, but are conservatively projected to top 16,000 students prior to the 2026 school year, and 19,000 students by 2031. In light of this, for well over a year the MPS Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) has met to review population trends, enrollment data, assess and project District needs, and to help guide the vision for the future of Mustang Public Schools. As a result of the dedicated service of the community, staff, and families who serve on this committee, we have developed a plan to continue the momentum of Mustang Public Schools as we focus on addressing this growth.
Our Board of Education has approved the placement of a new Student Investment Plan on the ballot for February 14, 2023. This would be the first step in a three-phased plan that would address our growth while providing the resources that all of our students and staff need for success. We are confident that this plan, through the careful planning of our LRPC, can elevate the school experience for today’s students and ensure we have the facilities needed to accommodate growth for years to come. This phased plan will also improve the learning environment for students by providing them with safer facilities, updated classrooms, and more technology and instructional resources.
Between now and the election, we’ll be sharing more detailed information about this opportunity to invest in our students, our schools and our community. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime via email. As always, thank you so much for your support of Mustang Public Schools; I am honored to serve as your Superintendent.
Charles Bradley
Momentum 23 Bond Projects
Proposition 1
Construct, furnish, equip, and/or acquire improvements at a new Elementary School including the acquisition of land, or in the alternative acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement | ||||
Construct, furnish, equip and/or acquire improvements at Mustang High School to include but not be limited to a new cafeteria and kitchen, additional classrooms, additional office space, additional practice gymnasium, and athletic facility improvements to include but not be limited to new athletic turf and a new softball hitting facility, or in the alternative acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
$77,000,000 | |||
Construct, furnish, equip and/or acquire improvements at Mustang Elementary School to include but not be limited to a safety corridor between the cafeteria and the main building, or in the alternative acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
Construct, furnish, equip, and/or acquire improvements district-wide as needed and as funds will allow to include but not be limited to building security upgrades, or in the alternative acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
Construct, furnish, equip, and/or acquire improvements district-wide as needed and as funds will allow to include but not be limited to playground equipment and playground improvements, or in the alternative to acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
Construct, furnish, equip, and/or acquire improvements district-wide as needed and as funds will allow to include but not be limited to HVAC equipment and controls, electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, flooring improvements, lighting upgrades, technology infrastructure, and roofing improvements, or in the alternative to acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
Acquire technology equipment and technology related items district-wide as needed and as funds will allow, or in the alternative to acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
Acquire textbooks and instructional materials and equipment district-wide as needed and as funds will allow; or in the alternative to acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
Acquire, replace, refurbish, and/or install athletic equipment and uniforms district-wide as needed and as funds will allow, or in the alternative to acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
Acquire, replace, refurbish, and/or install fine arts equipment, instruments and uniforms district-wide as needed and as funds will allow, or in the alternative to acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement |
*By law, transportation must be listed as a separate proposition on the ballot. See Proposition #2
Proposition 2
Acquire transportation equipment, auxiliary transportation equipment, and safety upgrades to certain transportation equipment; or in the alternative to acquire all or a distinct portion thereof by lease purchase arrangement | |
$4,000,000 |
Proposition #2 Total: | $4,000,000 |
*By law, transportation must be listed as a separate proposition on the ballot.
Overview Q&A
Key Takeaways
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
- When is the election & where do I vote?
- Can I vote in the 2/14 Momentum23 election?
- Which schools will benefit from this Student Investment Plan?
- Will this bond help with overcrowding?
- Did You Know? Additional information about the WHY behind Momentum23.
- I want to know more about Elementary #9.
- Where would Elementary #9 be built?
- When would the new elementary school open?
- I want to know more about the proposed MHS expansion.
- Why are turfing projects needed or necessary?
- Why not build a second high school rather than expand existing facilities?
- When would the MHS Expansion open?
- What about Athletics, Fine Arts and other program needs?
- Why is Athletics getting so much money?
- Why doesn't Athletics use money from ticket sales to fund their projects?
- Why has the District developed a multi-phased plan?
- What about maintenance and repairs of existing facilities?
- Momentum23 - Tax Explanations/Implications Video
- How are property values determined?
- How is property tax figured/calculated?
- What is a mill or millage for tax purposes?
- Will this impact my taxes?
- Where did these recommendations come from?
- Why is the bond resolution & ballot language written the way it is?
- Why do we need a Bond rather than handling these needs through budgeting or state/federal funds?
- How can bond money be spent?
- What are recurring funds? What does that mean?
- How are recurring dollars used? How does this benefit our schools or my child(ren)?
- Questions Regarding Management of Funds
- What happens if the bond doesn't pass?
- What about COVID money?
- Does MPS still recieve MAPS For Kids funding?
- What about...? Addressing concerns shared with MPS concerning Momentum23.
When is the election & where do I vote?
The bond election is Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Any registered voter who lives within the 72 square mile school District can vote at their regular polling place. |
Click the drop-down below for instructions to find out if your address is within the 72 square mile attendance boundary. If so, you can vote in the Momentum23 Bond election on 2/14.
If your address does not show up, please contact MPS Transportation to verify.
Is My Address Within The MPS Boundary?
Be sure to uncheck the box next to “Authenticate using Network Credentials.” Then enter the username of mustang, and the password is guest.
Be sure to select the appropriate grade and enter your address correctly (as it appears on utility bills).
If your address is NOT populating in the finder, please call our district office for assistance at 405-376-2630.
We appreciate your patience with our team as our school district continues to grow and new neighborhoods are established.
Can I vote in the 2/14 Momentum23 election?
The bond election is Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Any registered voter who lives within the 72 square mile school District can vote at their regular polling place. |
Click the drop-down menu to the right for instructions to find out if your address is within the 72 square mile attendance boundary. If so, you can vote in the Momentum23 Bond election on 2/14.
If your address does not show up, please contact MPS Transportation to verify.
Is My Address Within The MPS Boundary?
Be sure to uncheck the box next to “Authenticate using Network Credentials.” Then enter the username of mustang, and the password is guest.
Be sure to select the appropriate grade and enter your address correctly (as it appears on utility bills).
If your address is NOT populating in the finder, please call our district office for assistance at 405-376-2630.
We appreciate your patience with our team as our school district continues to grow and new neighborhoods are established.
Which schools will benefit from this Student Investment Plan?
All schools will benefit from this Bond whether through direct projects, playground refresh, or recurring funds. Recurring dollars is money that allows us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise (see more below).
Additionally, each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through improvements to safety and security, the purchase of textbooks and technology, as well as technology upgrades, heating and air conditioning improvements, program equipment or materials, new buses and much more. Also, by moving to a long term Student Investment Plan, we will have the opportunity to address specific needs at sites in 2027 and/or 2031. That’s one of the benefits of the change in philosophy from less frequent “big bonds” to a phased approach; being able to be flexible and meet the needs that arise, even if we are unable to envision those needs as we sit here in 2022.
“This is an exciting time for Mustang. People want to move here and be part of our outstanding community and schools,” Superintendent Charles Bradley said. “This investment plan will make a difference for all Mustang students by focusing on pressing needs. We can provide today’s learners with safer schools, improved facilities and more opportunities, while adding classrooms to address current overcrowding and future growth.”
What will a "YES" vote do for my school/child?
- Mustang Elem
- Prairie View ES
- Valley ES
- Centennial ES
- Lakehoma ES
- Riverwood ES
- Trails ES
- Creek ES
- Horizon Intermediate
- Canyon Ridge Intermediate
- Meadow Brook Intermediate
- Mustang Middle School
- North Middle School
- Central Middle School
- Mustang High School
Mustang Elem
Mustang Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Safety Corridor - The Momentum23 Bond will provide for a safety corridor that will connect the main building to the external cafeteria at Mustang Elementary. ME is the only site in the District where students must go outside each day to access the cafeteria. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a corridor connecting the main building and the external cafeteria. This is essential for student/staff safety and equity with other schools.
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise.
- Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics,
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
- Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
Prairie View ES
Prairie View Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Valley ES
Valley Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Centennial ES
Centennial Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Lakehoma ES
Lakehoma Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
Riverwood ES
Riverwood Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Trails ES
Trails Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Creek ES
Mustang Creek Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
MEC will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Horizon Intermediate
Horizon Intermediate will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Canyon Ridge Intermediate
Canyon Ridge Intermediate will benefit in the following ways:
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
Meadow Brook Intermediate
Meadow Brook Intermediate will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Mustang Middle School
The Momentum23 Bond would directly benefit MMS! We would finally have a heated/cooled assembly space as funds from the Bond, if passed, would add HVAC to our gymnasium! It would also provide for preventative maintenance, technology purchases & upgrades and much more. The vote is on 2/14/23! #GoVote
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
North Middle School
The Momentum23 Bond would directly benefit MNMS! We would finally have a heated/cooled assembly space as funds from the Bond, if passed, would add HVAC to our gymnasium! It would also provide for preventative maintenance, technology purchases & upgrades and much more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Central Middle School
Mustang Central would benefit from the Momentum23 Bond through the availability of recurring dollars to provide for preventative maintenance, technology purchases & upgrades and much more. The vote is on 2/14/23! #GoVote
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Mustang High School
The #Momentum23 Bond would provide for a significant expansion to Mustang High School that would provide for additional classroom space to accommodate growth in student enrollment; new cafeteria/kitchen space to allow MHS to offer 2 (rather than 4-5) lunch periods for the foreseeable future; a newly/specifically designed space for 9th-12th grade Functional Skills Classrooms; a non-competition gym, programmatic needs (Aviation, Archery, STEM) & more.
Make a plan to #GoVote on 2/14/23.
NOTE: Photos are rendering only, not actual pictures.
Will this bond help with overcrowding?
Absolutely! In fact, that is the primary purpose of Momentum23. By adding an elementary school and expanding the high school, we can avoid overcrowding and prepare the district for future growth.
According to a recent demographic study, Mustang’s enrollment is expected to soar to 19,780 students over the next nine years – a 46% increase from the current school year. The district’s long-term capital investment plan will allow the district to keep pace with future growth, while also minimizing the impact to local taxpayers. The plan includes construction of a new elementary school to address the exponential enrollment growth of recent years. In addition to classrooms, it will include secure entrances, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, a library and developmentally appropriate playgrounds. To accommodate growth at the secondary level, Mustang High School will receive an expansion that includes new classroom space and a new cafeteria, along with a new practice gym, athletic turf projects and upgrades to the softball facilities.
Many Mustang parents and patrons see the addition of classroom space as critical for the immediate future – not just for the school, but also the community. “Mustang is a great place to live and raise a family – and more people are taking notice every day. Our community is in demand and growing rapidly,” said Michael Ray, MPS parent, local realtor, and Vice Mayor of Mustang. “This plan allows us to ensure we have the classroom space we need for every child. It’s an investment in today’s students and Mustang’s future.”
Did You Know? Additional information about the WHY behind Momentum23.
I want to know more about Elementary #9.
The #Momentum23 Bond election will be held on 2/14/23 and, if passed, the funds will be used to construct a new elementary school (among other projects). This new school will help address the growth that has happened (and is projected to continue) in our PreK-4th grades.
Make a plan to #GoVote on 2/14!
Questions or comments? Email Us
NOTE: Photos are renderings, not actual images.
Where would Elementary #9 be built?
The location of Elementary #9 has not been finalized. MPS does not currently own sufficient land to allow for the construction of a new elementary school, so the funds from the passage of the Momentum23 Bond would be required to secure land.
There are, of course, preferred locations, but negotiations on land are unable to begin without the passage of the Bond.
When would the new elementary school open?
I want to know more about the proposed MHS expansion.
The #Momentum23 Bond would provide for a significant expansion to Mustang High School that would provide for additional classroom space to accommodate growth in student enrollment; new cafeteria/kitchen space to allow MHS to offer 2 (rather than 4-5) lunch periods for the foreseeable future; a newly/specifically designed space for 9th-12th grade Functional Skills Classrooms; a non-competition gym, programmatic needs (Aviation, Archery, STEM) & more.
Make a plan to #GoVote on 2/14/23.
NOTE: Photos are rendering only, not actual pictures.
Why are turfing projects needed or necessary?
Each year artificial turf receives a grade and if the turf falls below certain standards, it is unsafe to use. This means that no students (athletics, band, intramural/PE classes, etc.) can practice, perform or even step foot on the turf until it is replaced.
The current turf at the football stadium and baseball field are closing in on end of life and without a replacement will render those facilities unusable. This would deprive countless students and student athletes of opportunities.
Why not replace it with natural grass?
This is a valid question, but entails much more than meets the eye. The current grade of the land where turf is laid is graded to let water flow off of and away from the field; this is not conducive to keeping grass alive. In order to replace turf with grass, the entire makeup of the facility would need to be renovated in order to grade the land and update the facilities to allow for water retention. This is simply cost prohibitive at this time.
Why not build a second high school rather than expand existing facilities?
When would the MHS Expansion open?
What about Athletics, Fine Arts and other program needs?
This bond, if approved, will support Athletics & Fine Arts through the continuation of recurring dollars which will prevent budget cuts to programs across the board. From equipment to instruments to uniforms and more, this bond will allow for the continuation of programs and opportunities for our students.
Safety and security are key components of the facility plan as well, including cameras, secured access upgrades and fencing. The high school will expand badge access for students and staff, which will provide added security.
The proposed plan will also provide funding for:
Playground refreshes at elementary and intermediate school sites;
Softball Hitting Facility and MHS turfing projects;
New buses and transportation vehicles to provide students with safe, reliable transportation to and from school and school activities;
Expanded student opportunities, including decreased class sizes and increased instructional time; fine arts and athletic equipment, uniforms, materials and instruments; Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) equipment; and instructional resources;
Upgrades to technology devices for students and staff, along with updates to software and out-of-date classroom technology, like presentation boards; and
Improvements and maintenance for existing school facilities, including lighting, electrical, roofing, flooring and heating/cooling units.
Why is Athletics getting so much money?
First, it is important to not that approximately 35% of our secondary (7th-12th grade) students participate in Athletics, and only approximately 1.7% of the $180.9 million would be for Athletic purposes. (3million/180.9million=~1.65%)
The ballot/proposition language is a bit confusing on this as it has to meet certain legal restrictions, but the majority of the $77 million high school expansion is going directly to capital projects. Out of the $77 Million on the proposition, about $29 million is for financing costs and $48 million is for the construction costs. Of the $48 million, about $45 million is slated for the high school expansion (classrooms, etc.) and about $3 Million for the softball hitting facility and for various turf projects. These are estimates and dependent upon the bids received at the time that construction details are finalized.
So, in sum, although Athletics is mentioned several times in the Proposition (ballot language), the percentage of the Momentum23 Bond dedicated to Athletics is relatively small as compared to the total proposal.
Why doesn't Athletics use money from ticket sales to fund their projects?
MPS Athletics supports 77 sports at four school sites; out of those, only 4 sports are revenue-making (this is not unique to Mustang, but Oklahoma High School athletics, in general). The revenue generated from those 4 sports is immediately poured back into the other 73 programs to support the 35% of our student body who enjoy the opportunity to participate in athletics.
It would take approximately four years of using the revenue from those four sports to afford the turf and pad at the Bronco Stadium alone; and that would be at the cost of not funding numerous other programs.
Why has the District developed a multi-phased plan?
Mustang Public Schools developed a long-term vision to meet the needs of current students and to prepare for the future.
By achieving this plan over three phases, the district can continue to address enrollment growth, maintain current school facilities and expand opportunities for students - while minimizing the impact to local residents. Priorities will be identified and re-assessed, with community input, before the 2027 and 2031 phases begin. This approach also allows the community to achieve currently unattainable and not-yet-needed building options in the future. Best of all, after the 2023 phase, no projected tax increase is expected to complete the remaining phases.
What about maintenance and repairs of existing facilities?
A key component of this Bond would be to allow for recurring dollars to impact the Operations of the District.
Recurring dollars are annual dollars allocated over a set period of time (see more below). These fund provide budgets for operations (Transportation, HVAC, Safety/Security, etc.) to academics (textbooks, instructional technology, etc.) to programs that provide opportunities for our students (athletics, fine arts, archery, STEM, etc.).
For example, if a rooftop heating/AC unit were to go down, funds form recurring dollars would allow MPS to move quickly to repair/replace the unit, not to mention the funds also allow for preventative maintenance on such units.
Existing recurring dollars have been provided by previous bonds and will expire after this year; this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
Momentum23 - Tax Explanations/Implications Video
How are property values determined?
Why does the County Assessor set a value on my property?
The valuation set for your property by the Canadian County Assessor's office is an estimate of the fair cash value of your property – your home, land, business, agricultural, or other taxable property. The value is used to determine your property (also called ad valorem) tax bill. Note: Ad valorem is Latin meaning "according to value."
How does the County Assessor determine the fair cash value of my property?
The fair cash value is based upon detailed information about your property and sales in your area. The location of the property, type of construction, age, size, and condition of the property are all considered.
By law, the fair cash value is the amount the property would sell for under ordinary conditions in the Canadian County real estate market. Such sales are called "arms-length transactions" and do not generally include foreclosures, repossessions, sales between relatives, government sales, or other sales that do not fairly reflect true value.
What if I think the value placed on my property is too high?
If you believe that the value placed on your property exceeds the fair cash value, contact our office. We will be happy to answer any questions and review the value our office has placed on the property.
What is a Notice of Change in Assessed Value?
The Canadian County Assessor's office is required by law to inform you if the assessed value of your property has increased. The notice informs you of the fair cash value of the property, the assessment ratio percentage, and the assessed value of your property. This notice is not a tax bill. The law provides that if you wish to protest the value placed on your property you must do so within thirty days of the date the notice was mailed. If you have any questions about the notice, please feel free to contact our office.
-Canadian County Assessor Website (accessed 10/26/22)
How is property tax figured/calculated?
What is the Assessed Value?
In Canadian County, the County Assessor places your property on the assessment rolls as close as possible to 100% of Fair Cash Value. Under the Oklahoma Constitution, however, taxes cannot be levied against more than 13.5% of the fair cash value. This is called a "fractional assessment system." The State Constitution states that real property shall not be assessed at a value less than 11% nor greater than 13.5% of its Fair Cash Value. This percentage or Assessment Ratio cannot be increased except upon approval by a majority of voters in a county. In Canadian County, the Assessment Ratio is 12%. The Fair Cash Value multiplied by the Assessment Ratio results in the Assessed Value.
How are tax rates set for my property?
Tax rates or millage levies are set by procedures established in the Oklahoma Constitution or voted directly by the taxpayers. Rates are not set by the County Assessor.
There are approximately 50 different tax or millage rates in Canadian County, and those vary across the county depending on the school district, municipality, and technology center district where the property is located. The millage rate is the tax per dollar of Assessed Value of the property. The rate is expressed in "mills," where one mill is one-tenth of a cent ($0.001) or one-thousandth of a dollar. The tax or millage rate levied against a property makes a great deal of difference in the taxes paid. Rates vary in Canadian County from $65.59 to as high as $123.72 per thousand of assessed value in 2017 and can change each year.
How do I figure my tax?
The method for figuring ad valorem taxes requires four steps: you must know the Fair Cash Value of your property, the Assessment Ratio, any exemptions, and the tax or millage rate for your area of the county. The following example is based upon a property that has a Fair Cash Value of $100,000 with homestead exemption and a millage rate of $107.21 per thousand Assessed Value: $100,000 Fair Cash Value
$100,000 x 12% Assessment Ratio = 12,000 Gross Assessed Value
12,000 - 1000 Homestead Exemption = 11,000 Net Assessed Value
11 (thousand) Assessed Value x 107.21 millage rate (one example of many millage rates) = $1,179.31 Taxes
11,000 Assessed Value x .10721 millage rate (one example of many millage rates) = $1,179.31 Taxes
When do I pay my taxes?
The County Treasurer sends out a tax bill at the end of November each year. Taxes may be paid in two installments according to a payment schedule. If exactly one-half is paid by December 31st, then the last half is due by March 31st. If nothing is paid by December 31st, the full amount becomes delinquent January 1st. Questions concerning tax bills can be answered by the County Treasurer.
Where does my property tax money go?
Property taxes are an important source of revenue for local schools, vocational-technical education, libraries, and city and county government. As in most states in the United States, property taxes are the backbone for funding of local government and schools. Oklahoma's property tax with some changes has fulfilled this basic function since statehood.
Generally, local schools receive the largest share of the property tax. Schools are followed by city bond issues, county government, vocational-technical schools, and the county health department.
-Canadian County Assessor website (accessed 10/26/22)
What is a mill or millage for tax purposes?
Tax rates or millage levies are set by procedures established in the Oklahoma Constitution or voted directly by the taxpayers.
There are approximately 50 different tax or millage rates in Canadian County, and those vary across the county depending on the school district, municipality, and technology center district where the property is located. The millage rate is the tax per dollar of Assessed Value of the property. The rate is expressed in "mills," where one mill is one-tenth of a cent ($0.001) or one-thousandth of a dollar. The tax or millage rate levied against a property makes a great deal of difference in the taxes paid. Rates vary in Canadian County from $65.59 to as high as $123.72 per thousand of assessed value in 2017 and can change each year.
-Canadian County Assessor website (accessed 10/26/22)
The actual tax rate is made up of a lot of different sources. For example on the sample tax bill to the right, you can see that the Town, Vocational Institution, County, & School all make up the total tax rate. The total taxes paid relate directly to the value of the property, so if taxes have gone up vs. previous years, that is due to an increase in property value, but not due to any component controlled by MPS.
The S Sinking Fund is the only part of this tax bill that relates to school bonds. The other S amounts are set by State law.
Please note that the millage of 25.79 is less than the current target of 28 target. Mustang has traditionally (11 of last 12 years) been below the millage target of 28.
Millage Formula
Home Value x 12% = $X - $1,000 (homestead exemption) x .002 (2 mills) = Taxes Due
$225,333 x .12 = $27,039.96 - $1,000 x .002 = $52.08
Divide $52.08 by 12 months to get monthly rate of $4.34
Median Home Value Source: Rocket Homes, 10/26/22
Formula courtesy Canadian County Assessor:
Will this impact my taxes?
Possibly. We are asking to move from a millage target of 28 to a target of 30. This could lead to an increase in property taxes depending upon local economic factors. The 2023 investment plan could cost those who live in a $100,000 home about $1.83/month. The investment for the average Mustang household could be $4.34/month. Fortunately, though, because Mustang's tax base is stable and quickly growing, previous bond programs have consistently impacted taxpayers less than expected at the time of the election.
The average home is selling for $225,333 and the cost on that amount would be just over $4/month. If a residence is valued at below the median, the cost would be less and vise-versa if the home is valued more than the median.
NOTE: Millage Formula
Home Value x 12% = $X - $1,000 (homestead exemption) x .002 (2 mills) = Taxes Due
$225,333 x .12 = $27,039.96 - $1,000 x .002 = $52.08
Divide $52.08 by 12 months to get monthly rate of $4.34
Formula courtesy Canadian County Assessor
Where did these recommendations come from?
The bond package came as a recommendation from the district’s Long Range Planning Committee. This group of administrators, faculty, parents and community members has been meeting for months to identify and prioritize the district's future needs. The committee determined overcrowding is a top concern for the district and recommended these construction projects as a way to alleviate overcrowding while still meeting the district's future needs to accommodate continuous growth. Other projects will not only help alleviate overcrowding but they will also provide opportunities for kids.
Why is the bond resolution & ballot language written the way it is?
Why do we need a Bond rather than handling these needs through budgeting or state/federal funds?
How can bond money be spent?
No salaries, benefits or related costs can be paid with bond fund proceeds. Bond issue proceeds must be spent for improving or acquiring school sites, construction, repairing, remodeling, equipping school buildings, acquiring school furniture, fixtures, equipment, and transportation.
For more, check out School Finance 101 and Bond Basics.
What are recurring funds? What does that mean?
How are recurring dollars used? How does this benefit our schools or my child(ren)?
Questions Regarding Management of Funds
On April 22, 2022, working in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and local law enforcement, Mustang Public Schools (MPS) announced that they had become a victim of embezzlement by a longtime employee. The statement read:
One of our staff members was placed on leave and eventually resigned late this week after district internal financial controls uncovered irregularities which pointed to potential embezzlement. Within hours, district administration contacted law enforcement and auditors to initiate investigations which are on-going.
“We are disappointed and saddened by this alleged wrongdoing perpetrated by a longtime District employee, but we will fully cooperate with any/all investigations into the matter,” Superintendent Charles Bradley said.
As this is a personnel matter and the allegations are currently under investigation, the district is not able to provide further information at this time.
The investigation has now concluded and the matter has been referred for prosecution through the Judicial System.
Additionally, the MPS Board of Education learned of a potential breach of contract by then Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Nancy McKay, which led to the termination of her contract at the Board meeting held on Monday, May 6, 2022.
From the onset, MPS fully cooperated with investigative agencies and, under the guidance of then, newly hired, CFO Mr. Jeff Landes, an independent audit was conducted and presented to the Board at their January 9, 2023 meeting . The audit found that the “District had internal controls in place, however, the payroll administrator…had the ability to circumvent [these] procedures.” The audit recommended that MPS enforce current procedures and provide sufficient oversight to prevent future misappropriation(s).
Current Procedures, Oversight, & Steps Taken To Address Audit Findings: The director of payroll and the chief financial officer are no longer employed by Mustang Public Schools. A separation of duties has been implemented between the payroll staff to minimize the risk associated with a singular point of data entry. Payroll entries now directly correspond to the personnel system to provide consistency and clarity. Additionally, a full set of payroll processing reports are now computer generated and given to a third staff member to review each pay period, and in-depth payroll reports for each member of the finance team will be reviewed by the CFO and the audit team.
It is important to note that this employee embezzlement affected payroll services and at no time were Bond funds implicated or impacted by this former employee's actions. Based on recommendations from law enforcement, the IRS, and independent auditors, additional financial controls have been put into place to safeguard the finances of MPS. While this incident is very disturbing, it is important to note that this was the action of an individual, and not reflective of the greater financial stability of the District.
In sum, our team of financial professionals uncovered this wrong-doing, reported it, cooperated fully during the investigation, implemented recommendations to improve and prevent future misappropriation of funds and stand ready to support the responsible management of all funds, including Bond funds, moving forward. We greatly value the trust that is placed in us by our community of stakeholders, and understand that this incident has led to a question surrounding that trust. We vow to work hard to prove ourselves trustworthy, and look forward to that opportunity.
What happens if the bond doesn't pass?
What about COVID money?
Why not use leftover COVID money?
COVID funds (ARP/ESSER) were used for immediate needs as prescribed by law. Fund were used for salaries to prevent job losses during the pandemic, to purchase supplies (sanitizer, etc.), and to construct a 6 classroom addition to Riverwood Elementary.
Allocation of the COVID Funds was based on free/reduced lunch percentage, so MPS did not receive as much money as some surrounding school districts. More information can be found here.
Does MPS still recieve MAPS For Kids funding?
What about...? Addressing concerns shared with MPS concerning Momentum23.
We need another high school; why not build that now?
The short answer is that it is simply not financially possible at this time. However, it may be possible in the future with the Momentum Bond Plan. More details can be found above.
Why not use leftover COVID money?
COVID funds (ARP/ESSER) were used for immediate needs as prescribed by law. Fund were used for salaries to prevent job losses during the pandemic, to purchase supplies (sanitizer, etc.), and to construct a 6 classroom addition to Riverwood Elementary.
Allocation of the COVID Funds was based on free/reduced lunch percentage, so MPS did not receive as much money as some surrounding school districts. More information can be found here.
Why not go 1:1 Districtwide?
MPS is currently 1:1 in 5th-12th grade and each teacher also has a device throughout the District. The 2023 Bond funds will not be enough to extend 1:1 below 5th grade, but will be used to upgrade infrastructure and maintain the existing devices/replace older devices that are aging out. Our long-range plan includes expanding 1:1 to additional grades, but the 2023 Bond will be more maintenance for Technology.
I've heard my taxes will double?
This is simply untrue. Please take a look at the tabs above to understand how property value is calculated, how property taxes are figured and the potential tax impact to households.
Does this benefit ____________ program?
If there is not a designated line item, every student/program will benefit from the Momentum23 Bond through the recurring dollars. These funds allow for the budgeted operations of the entire District. Essentially every program was polled and the needs of each were discussed by the Long Range Planning Committee, but the growth we have/are experiencing took priority over many of these worthwhile projects. The funds from this Bond are primarily directed at addressing the growth we are seeing and will continue to see, but with this new phased approach, these programatic needs are something that can be revisited in the future.
Why not stop building houses to help with growth?
While MPS has no control over housing development, we are present at zoning meetings in our respective townships to express the growth and how it impacts the District.
Will this Bond provide safe rooms for existing facilities/schools?
There is not a designated line item, this current bond would not address that need, but the phased approach would open the conversation for this to be included in future bonds.
What about the parking at MHS?
The recurring dollars provided by this bond does including paving projects which could address this.
What happened to the PreK Center that was included in the 2020 Bond that was cancelled due to COVID?
The 2020 Bond was postponed and later cancelled due to the pandemic. The major facet of that Bond was to turn the current ME building into a PreK Center and build a new Mustang Elementary. This idea was not included in the Momentum23 Bond due to the feedback received from parents on the plan. The majority of feedback was centered around keeping siblings together rather than separating the youngest to a different site.
Why not build a swimming pool?
MPS is proud of the success of our Bronco Swimmers; the lack of aquatic facilities does not indicate lack of support. Maintenance on a competitive pool would cost between $250,000 to $500,000 per year; and those funds are not Bond eligible. Given this fact, many local Districts have moved to a model of partnering to provide facilities for swimming. This is something that MPS is open to pursue. In addition, the phased Bond approach from Momentum could allow additional options/conversations in the coming years.
What Instructional Resources/Equipment would be purchased if this is approved by voters?
Mustang Schools spends as much as $900,000 annually of general fund dollars for new textbooks. The state allows $55 per textbook, but many cost as much as $125 each. The state mandates textbook adoption cycles. The subjects are typically on a six-year rotation.
With growth of more than 500 students a year, MPS also has to purchase the additional textbooks across all grade levels for all subjects for new students.
The request on the bond issue will make a significant difference in the district's ability to provide enough textbooks to meet student needs.
Other purchases could include:
Interactive Panels & Devices
Student and staff devices
Classroom instructional technology
Cycle to address advancements in technology and maintain current - school is a microcosm of society; we need to be able to teach with tech to prepare students for the future
Software licenses/subscriptions
Upgrade/Replace technology to maintain District standard of education (i.e., replace outdated/unusable SMARTBoards with new Interactive Panels)
Why doesn't MPS stop enrolling students to curb growth?
As a public school, it is incumbent upon Mustang Public Schools to enroll any/all eligible students who reside within the legally established attendance boundary. If a child above the age of 5 lives within the 72 square miles of the MPS boundary, the District is required to enroll them (unless the family chooses another option such as homeschool or private school).
What Will A "YES" Vote Do For My School/Child?
What will a "YES" vote do for my school/child?
- Mustang Elem
- Prairie View ES
- Valley ES
- Centennial ES
- Lakehoma ES
- Riverwood ES
- Trails ES
- Creek ES
- Horizon Intermediate
- Canyon Ridge Intermediate
- Meadow Brook Intermediate
- Mustang Middle School
- North Middle School
- Central Middle School
- Mustang High School
Mustang Elem
Mustang Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Safety Corridor - The Momentum23 Bond will provide for a safety corridor that will connect the main building to the external cafeteria at Mustang Elementary. ME is the only site in the District where students must go outside each day to access the cafeteria. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a corridor connecting the main building and the external cafeteria. This is essential for student/staff safety and equity with other schools.
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise.
- Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics,
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
- Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
Prairie View ES
Prairie View Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Valley ES
Valley Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Centennial ES
Centennial Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Lakehoma ES
Lakehoma Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
Riverwood ES
Riverwood Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Trails ES
Trails Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Creek ES
Mustang Creek Elementary will benefit in the following ways:
- Elementary #9 - Thanks to the voters of the 2017 Bond, Riverwood Elementary was opened in 2019, but growth has already caught up to our elementaries. Our enrollment numbers continue to climb, and projections show that this will continue. Funds from the passage of this bond will allow for the construction of a new elementary school which will help with class sizes for all of our PreK-4 schools.
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
MEC will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Horizon Intermediate
Horizon Intermediate will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Canyon Ridge Intermediate
Canyon Ridge Intermediate will benefit in the following ways:
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
Meadow Brook Intermediate
Meadow Brook Intermediate will benefit in the following ways:
- Playground Refresh - The Momentum23 Bond funds would allow for a playground refresh at elementary and intermediate schools throughout MPS. This could include replacement of old/outdated equipment/toys, safety upgrades, and more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Mustang Middle School
The Momentum23 Bond would directly benefit MMS! We would finally have a heated/cooled assembly space as funds from the Bond, if passed, would add HVAC to our gymnasium! It would also provide for preventative maintenance, technology purchases & upgrades and much more. The vote is on 2/14/23! #GoVote
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
North Middle School
The Momentum23 Bond would directly benefit MNMS! We would finally have a heated/cooled assembly space as funds from the Bond, if passed, would add HVAC to our gymnasium! It would also provide for preventative maintenance, technology purchases & upgrades and much more.
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Central Middle School
Mustang Central would benefit from the Momentum23 Bond through the availability of recurring dollars to provide for preventative maintenance, technology purchases & upgrades and much more. The vote is on 2/14/23! #GoVote
- Recurring Dollars - Recurring money are dollars that allow us to address preventative maintenance and respond to emergencies and address program needs as they arise. Each school will benefit from this 2023 Bond through:
- improvements to safety and security,
- the purchase of textbooks,
- playground refresh for elementary & intermediate schools,
- heating and air conditioning improvements,
- the purchase of technology, as well as technology upgrades,
- program equipment or materials,
- new buses,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Fine Arts,
- preventative maintenance,
- the purchase of equipment, instruments, materials and uniforms for MPS Athletics, and
- much more.
- Current recurring funds from previous bonds will be ending and this proposal will allow us to maintain and expand the level of service (and budget) that these areas have received. Without it, each of these areas will experience deep cuts to budgets and the impact will be detrimental to the Operations of the District.
- NOTE: *“To include but not be limited to” - All of the listed items will be executed, but not necessarily ALL of any one item “replaced.”
Mustang High School
The #Momentum23 Bond would provide for a significant expansion to Mustang High School that would provide for additional classroom space to accommodate growth in student enrollment; new cafeteria/kitchen space to allow MHS to offer 2 (rather than 4-5) lunch periods for the foreseeable future; a newly/specifically designed space for 9th-12th grade Functional Skills Classrooms; a non-competition gym, programmatic needs (Aviation, Archery, STEM) & more.
Make a plan to #GoVote on 2/14/23.
NOTE: Photos are rendering only, not actual pictures.
Student Investment Plan
Please click for a message from Superintendent Bradley!
Recurring funds that the Momentum23 Bond would provide will support extracurricular activities such as Fine Arts, STEM, Athletics & More!
Mustang community leaders recognize the value of the Momentum23 Bond. Your vote is key; make a plan to #GoVote tomorrow (2/14/23).
Click for to read more details!
We are honored to have the support of the Mustang Chamber of Commerce for the #Momentum23 Bond. Click to read the full resolution.
The Momentum23 Bond election is on 2/14/23. Make a plan to cast your ballot on Valentine's Day and call/text nine of your friends to meet you at the polls!
Click to learn more!
Make a plan to #GoVote on 2/14/23 and text 9 friends to meet you at the polls! #9PlusMine
Learn more at!
If passed, the Momentum23 Bond will provide funds to support MPS students, including our STEM classes!
Please take a couple of minutes to view this #Momentum23 Bond video discussing the key takeaways from the proposal.
The Momentum23 Bond is a plan for our future needs. Click to learn more.
Overview of the Momentum23 Bond. Click for details!
Any registered voter who lives within the MPS attendance boundary can vote on 2/14/23! Click for details!
We are honored to have the support of the Mustang Chamber of Commerce for the #Momentum23 Bond. Click to read the full resolution.
Turning 18? Make plans to register to vote. It's easy!
Click for details!
We know there may be questions surrounding the Momentum23 Bond and we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions for your review. Click here to take a look.
Did you miss the 12/12/22 Board of Education meeting and the presentation on the MPS #Momentum23 Bond? Don't worry, we've shortened it to just the bond presentation and you can watch it right here.
Please take a few minutes to view this #Momentum23 Bond Overview Video featuring a Q&A with Superintendent Bradley.
Please check out this informational flyer to learn more about Momentum23!
The Mustang Board of Education voted to call a February 14, 2023 bond election finalizing a capital investment plan to provide students with safer schools, more classrooms, updated facilities and more academic opportunities. Click for more information!
Click for a message from Superintendent Bradley about Momentum23!
Click here to visit our Bonds & Construction Department to learn more about Momentum23 and more!
Click to be taken to the OVP - your "one-stop-shop" for voting in Oklahoma. Request Absentee Ballots, Find Polling Places & More!
Everywhere you look in the 72 square miles of MPS, there are signs of growth. Click the title above to learn more about this growth and future projections.
Click the title above to read the message sent to families regarding the presentation on our Student Investment Plan made at the October 10, 2022 meeting of the MPS Board of Education.
School finance is very different from the average household budget. Click the title above to learn more about school finance and the basics of school bonds.
On Valentine's Day 2017, voters turned out in record number, despite a cold rain, to cast their ballots affirming their support for the District.
Click for the full story and video!
Momentum23 Board of Education Presentation (12/12/22)
Watch the presentation HERE!
After two years of dedicated work, the Mustang Public Schools Long Range Planning Committee of parents, community members and school staff crafted a proposal approved by the Board of Education; the focus of the plan began and remained on what is best for the kids and providing not only classroom space but also room to expand the programs that bring our students so many opportunities as well.
On Valentine's Day 2017, MPS took a bond issue of $180.8 million to patrons, and voters turned out in record number, despite the cold and rain, to cast their ballots affirming their support for the District.
The 2017 bond issue has made it possible to plan for the district’s average student population growth with the new Riverwood Elementary (opened in August 2018), Meadowbrook Intermediate School (also opened in August 2018) and Mustang Central Middle School (opening in August 2019). Capacity on the high school campus was also be increased with a new freshman cafeteria, eight classrooms, a science academy for upper-level courses and a new visual and performing arts center.
The Growth Continues
Mustang Public Schools is one of the premier school districts in Oklahoma having been recognized repeatedly as a Top Employer and Workplace. Thanks to the continued support of the Mustang voters over the years, the district enjoys quality facilities and expanding opportunities for its students. It’s also a district where, from pre-kindergarten to the walk across the stage at graduation, everyone is a Bronco. It’s a unique continuity, gradually blending all corners of the district into one high school that is a shining star in the State of Oklahoma.
The reputation of Mustang Schools is evident when looking at its continued growth in enrollment. The district’s student population grows between 200 (2014) to 1500 (2021) students annually. That’s the equivalent of adding, on average, the population of an elementary school to the district every year. This growth would not be manageable without the continued support of the Mustang community.
Thanks to the February 14, 2017 bond issue for $180.8 million, the district’s eighth elementary school, Riverwood Elementary, opened at 44th Street and Czech Hall Road in August 2018 along with a third intermediate school, Meadow Brook Intermediate, at 15th Street and Czech Hall Road. In August 2019, the district’s third middle school, Mustang Central Middle School, opened at 44th and Czech Hall Road as well.
This bond issue made room for new students to join the district with the construction of three new schools and many program spaces. It’s important to note that the work done on Mustang High School in 2010 drastically increased its capacity. This 2017 bond proposal also included an addition of eight classrooms, a science academy, and a freshman cafeteria/commons, all of which expanded the capacity of MHS to account for the aforementioned growth. The Performing Arts Center also increased capacity and decreased the student load on the main campus by moving fine arts classes/teachers to the new facility.
The Mustang Board of Education has previously made a commitment to keep taxes as steady as possible for the community; this bond issue was no different. The bond issue created opportunities for all students, and although it was the largest bond issue that the district had taken to the voters, it had little to no impact on taxes: the millage target has remained at 28 with the district growth serving to offset that, making the actual tax millage much lower.
The need for new schools, classrooms, and program space is a wonderful problem for any school district to have. It speaks to the dedication of the teachers and administrators and the support of the community. Along with that comes the challenge of meeting the needs of our students and staff. Information about what the district has accomplished with past bond issues is available in the tabs above. Please take a moment to read the questions and answers below.
Your Impact: Bronco Arts Outreach 20-21
2017 Bond FAQs
- When is the election and where do I vote?
- Where did these recommendations come from?
- What will this do to my taxes?
- Will this bond help with overcrowding?
- What about a second high school?
- Which schools are going to benefit?
- Why do we need a performing arts center?
- What about maintenance & repair(s)?
- Why move transportation/build a warehouse?
- A practice field?
- What is an Educational Resource Center?
- What about Athletics?
- Why is the bond resolution & ballot language written the way it is?
- How can bond money be spent?
- How can the district afford to staff a new building when teachers didn't get a step raise when the new year started?
- Will the new construction at MHS include safe rooms?
When is the election and where do I vote?
Where did these recommendations come from?
The bond package came as a recommendation from the district’s Long Range Planning Committee. This group of administrators, faculty, parents and community members has been meeting for two years to identify and prioritize the district's future needs. The committee determined overcrowding is a top concern for the district and recommended these construction projects as a way to alleviate overcrowding while still meeting the district's future needs to accommodate continuous growth. Other projects will not only help alleviate overcrowding but they will also provide opportunities for kids. From the performing arts center to the band room at Canyon Ridge, projects were designed to not only keep up with growth but also expand what Mustang can offer to its students.
What will this do to my taxes?
We expect little to no effect on taxes. Through careful planning Mustang Public Schools has worked to keep taxes steady. The Mustang Board of Education set a goal in 2009 to keep the millage level within the 28 mill range. Thanks to the incredible growth in the district's Net Assessed Valuation, the millage has always come in less than 28 mills. We expect the same thing to happen with this bond issue.
The district's financial advisor told the school board he believed the district would benefit most from using what is known as a lease revenue bond. This is the same type of bond that was passed in 2009 and 2012, which allowed the district to fund the extensive renovations at Mustang High School, add two intermediate schools, an elementary school, gyms and more. This bond is different from a general obligation bond, in that the funds are available upfront, so the district may begin construction immediately and work on multiple projects simultaneously. Use of a lease revenue bond will allow the district to receive the funds upfront so construction projects may immediately begin. If the district had to rely only on general obligation bonds, which can only be 10 percent of the district’s Net Assessed Valuation, it would take approximately 22 years before the district would complete all of the buildings this lease revenue bond will complete in the next five years. Receiving all the money upfront and putting all the buildings on the ground in three to five years will save millions by eliminating inflation that effects construction costs.
Will this bond help with overcrowding?
Yes. It will make a difference at every level.
Elementary: For an ideal learning environment, there should be no more than 600 children in an elementary school. With the recent growth in the Mustang area, five elementary schools in the district currently exceed this guideline. Trails Elementary alone grew by 12 percent this year and is at 99.3 percent capacity. This bond will build a new elementary school on the northwest side of the district, where the growth rate is the highest.
Intermediate: A new intermediate school for fifth and sixth grade will also be constructed, taking some pressure off of both Horizon Intermediate which is at 87.5 percent capacity and Canyon Ridge, the intermediate for the north side of the district. It opened in 2013 and has already reached 97.2 percent capacity.
Middle School: At the middle school level, Mustang North is at 93.6 percent capacity. Mustang Middle School’s occupied capacity is much lower. Changing the boundary lines for those two schools to even out the populations could be necessary but will only be a temporary solution. Even with changing the boundary line, the district will still need a third middle school within the next three years.
What about a second high school?
With the current state of Mustang High School, with only the buildings currently in place, MHS is at 83 percent capacity. Pictures of the hallways always circulate on the first few days of school that give the impression that the school is overcrowded. The hallways are very crowded the first few weeks until students learn different ways to reach their next destination.
Projects on this bond issue will considerably expand the capacity of the school with the addition of eight classrooms, a freshman lunchroom, a two-story science academy and a new Performing Arts Center. Moving the transportation department and school bus parking from the south side of the high school will free up even more space that can be utilized in the future so that we can continue to provide the world class education and opportunities that Mustang parents have come to expect.
Having one high school makes it possible for the district to offer a great deal more opportunities, advanced placement and speciality classes to the students. If there were two high schools, the district would have to make the same courses and extra curricular opportunities available at two campuses instead of one. With two campuses, Mustang would not be able to offer to the students the incredible variety that we can by maintaining one campus. When the AP Scholars were recognized recently, many of them mentioned how the size of the school afforded them opportunities they could not have gotten at a smaller school.
Also, maintaining one campus means we don’t divide the community; everyone from pre-k through seniors is a Bronco. Very few districts of our size have the opportunity to support the students and programs of one high school.
Also, building a new high school would consume almost all of the bond dollars for the next 7-10 years. Both intermediate schools are at or nearing capacity. Mustang North is at 93 percent capacity. Two elementary schools are in the 90 percent capacity range with two more at 88 percent. The high school, even without additions, has room to grow. Many other schools do not.
Which schools are going to benefit?
All of the schools and students will benefit. Pressure will be eased at the schools regarding growing student populations at all levels. Older elementary schools will have some funds available to update their media centers and make improvements. Other items included in the bond that will benefit all students included additional and much needed heating and air conditioning improvements, technology upgrades, textbooks and more.
Why do we need a performing arts center?
Our programs are so popular and our student population has grown so extensively that the current facilities, from the stage to the classrooms are simply not big enough and safety is becoming an issue.
Mustang High School has an auditorium with a stage, flanked by a choir room on one side and theatre classroom on the other. The stage and these classrooms were built in 1971. In 1971, Mustang High School had 60 graduates and would be considered a 3A school. Mustang High School now has 2900 students in grades 9-12 and is the fifth largest high school in the state. This year there are 1,495 students at the high school in fine arts. That’s 51 percent of the MHS student population counting each student only once. Many of the students are in two or more fine arts programs.
Behind the auditorium is the band facility, constructed in 2002, approximately 14 years ago. Neither of the facilities can accommodate the number of students who would like to participate. Neither the entire choir nor the entire concert band can fit on the stage. When the middle schools reserve the auditorium for a concert, students are sitting behind the side curtains because there is no room for them all on the stage.
Mustang High School added a stage craft class, where students learn to design and build sets. Students are turned away every year because of space constrictions. Their storage is a small loft to stage right where they carry heavy set pieces up the stairs to store.
For theatre, instructor Emily Farnham must limit the students’ selection of plays to those that will fit on stage and she must reserve the stage for the entire year in advance. For Annie, the 2014 district-wide musical, the set pieces, including two large staircases, had to fold to no more than three feet wide to be moved off-stage. There is no fly system, no ability to change scenes with a backdrop. Objects must be constructed to suggest scenes. “Annie” included students from second grade through seniors as well as several MPS staff members. Should someone exit one side of the stage and need to enter from the other side, they often have to completely leave the building even in the rain or ice, to walk around to the other side; there’s no way to cross behind the stage.
The size of the facilities also has an economic impact. Storage is so limited some set pieces are stored in the stairwells. They regularly must throw away items that could be used again but there is no where to keep anything long term.
What will happen to the current auditorium and classrooms?
The current auditorium and stage will continue to be used for assemblies, meetings and size appropriate performances. The MHS band would take over the classroom spaces. As it is, they’ve had to take one of their classrooms and turn it into storage for instruments and music because the room designed for that nearly 15 years ago cannot begin to hold the inventory for a band and color guard of over 300 students. Storage areas have been turned into offices and teaching spaces into instrument storage.
What about maintenance & repair(s)?
Mustang Public Schools has been implementing energy savings strategies for the past two years from using peak hours to installing new heating and air conditioning controls. During the 2015-2016 school year MPS lowered its total energy costs by $351,000 compared to the previous year.
For new buildings, maintenance costs are minimal because day to day upkeep is less expensive. New buildings have features such as better energy efficiency, which can decrease the amount of maintenance that is necessary. Older buildings, and problems such as leaky roofs, peeling flooring and less energy efficiency, require more frequent and sometimes more expensive maintenance and repairs.
Also, as the district’s Net Assessed Valuation continues to grow (it grew by 8.8 percent this year alone), more money goes to the district’s Building Fund which is used to pay for utilities.
Why move transportation/build a warehouse?
Making transportation more centrally located will make the department much more efficient, shortening the routes to get to many schools. As a result, there will be significant savings in fuel and less wear and tear on the bus fleet. As a bonus, it will also reduce the traffic load on south Mustang Road around Mustang Elementary, Mustang High School, Mustang Middle School and Mustang Horizon Intermediate. The move will also free up valuable space on the high school campus for parking in the short term.
Mustang Schools desperately needs a warehouse. The district outgrew the current one years ago. We cannot get discounts by buying supplies in bulk because we have no where to store it. There are literally old portable buildings and railroad cars holding surplus and supplies scattered across the district. In previous bond issues, the focus had to be on classroom space alone. In this bond issue the district can address many items that have been put on the back burner for years.
A practice field?
Why build a practice field?
Currently, when the band starts practicing in the heat of the summer, they spend their days in the student parking lot which is striped for spaces and for yard lines. It’s black-topped, so it’s smooth, but the surface temperature reaches as high as 120 degrees in the summer. Movement of other traffic from summer programs can create a safety hazard as cars navigate around the band members to leave the parking lot.
During the school year, the MHS band competes with freshman, junior varsity and varsity football teams for time on the field. It will also be used by a host of other sports or PE classes that need additional space.
What is an Educational Resource Center?
An Educational Resource Center is a one-stop shop for district patrons and a blessing to the teachers. An ERC would allow Mustang Schools to have central enrollment open all year. Currently, the district holds central enrollment for a few weeks in the summer at MHS. Parents who need to enroll their children can enroll all of them in one place. Once central enrollment closes, parents must go to each child’s school and enroll them individually.
The building would also hold current central office departments like human resources and the finance department. Mustang Public School’s technology department is responsible for the care, maintenance and updating of more than 9,000 computers, iPads and Chromebooks, as well as the wireless access points and other required infrastructure, smart boards, security and more. Their storage has spilled out of the offices and lines their hallway in the administration building, sometimes head high. The four techs in the department are housed behind the administration building in an aging portable building with little room to work.
MPS long ago out grew the original board room, half of which has been turned into offices. An Educational Resource Center would include a room suitable for board meetings. It would also double as conference rooms for professional development training. The building will also include a library where teachers can check out resources to benefit their students.
The ERC would bring essential positions to a central location. The district’s content coordinators are currently housed at Mustang Education Center. There’s no room for them in the administration building where they could work easily with the directors of elementary and secondary schools. The district’s crisis counselor would also be housed at the ERC. This would make it possible for parents to meet with her about their children in privacy and away from the school their child attends.
What about Athletics?
Out of the entire amount of the bond, 5 percent would be going toward athletic projects including a new wrestling room, tennis courts, a football field house expansion and soccer facility improvements. There are some students who make it through to graduation only because they found somewhere to fit in athletics. Whatever sport they play may be the only place where they experience success. At the high school level alone, more than 30 percent of the students are involved in at least one sport. Many are involved in two or more. Providing them with additional space to help the programs be successful and keep up with enrollment growth makes sense.
Why is the bond resolution & ballot language written the way it is?
How can bond money be spent?
How can the district afford to staff a new building when teachers didn't get a step raise when the new year started?
The answer has several parts.
1. A good thing about opening a new school is that it doesn’t require the addition of an entirely new staff. Some new staff, absolutely, but many teachers are pulled from other buildings as the boundaries are realigned to populate the new school and take pressure off the rest of the schools at that level. Then, as the population grows, new teachers are added to that school.
2. And as the population grows, the district’s revenue will grow which will allow for the hiring of additional staff.
3. We have been fighting for three years to stabilize the budget regardless of what the state does. We have an incredible team working on that and it has been stabilized. We are in a very good position, unlike many schools in the state. Our Standard & Poor's rating even went up.
4. The frozen step raise for our teachers was an anomaly. It won’t happen every year. It was part of the plan to stabilize the budget.
5. And the alternative to not opening new schools is to increase class sizes. MPS is blessed with a supportive community that has made it possible to open new schools in recent years.
6. Also, as far as the utilities are concerned, those will be paid out of the building fund, which has been growing and is totally separate from the general fund. Alan Green is the director of facilities. He has been working diligently to lower utility costs. The district’s utility bills for the 2015-2016 school year were more than $300,000 less than the year before.
Will the new construction at MHS include safe rooms?
2017 Bond Projects
Proposition 1 - The Projects
- MMS Tennis Court Construction
- Renovation/Remodel District-Wide
- Additional Parking (MHS Campus)
- Lease Revenue Bond Projects
- Elementary School #8
- Intermediate School #3
- Performing Arts Center
- Middle School #3
- Science Academy-HS
- Canyon Ridge Band Room
- Transportation/Warehouse
- Freshman Cafeteria/Commons-HS
- Eight (8) Classroom Addition-HS
- Football Fieldhouse Expansion
- Educational Resource Center
- Soccer Facility Improvements
- Wrestling Room
- MHS Tennis Courts Construction
- Marching Band Practice Field
- Technology Infrastructure/Devices
- Instructional Materials/Textbooks
- Land Purchase
- Playground Equipment
- HVAC Controls & Equipment
TOTAL: $179,400,000
Proposition 2 - Transportation*
The Mustang High School student parking lot got a facelift over the summer of 2016 plus the addition of several more spaces. The MHS track, which was chipped and crumbling was also replaced, both thanks to the passage of the February 2016 bond issue.
The Parking Lot
The district was able to add a two-inch overlay to the deteriorated lot, plus extend the parking spaces to the south behind the stadium. The extension was the dream of MHS student Madison Morrow.
An aerial view of the MHS track and student parking lot before they were resurfaced over the summer of 2016.
Every January, Mustang partners with Yukon and El Reno to hold the Listening Conference. Students have the opportunity to make a presentation on an issue or problem that they've identified to the people who have the power to effect change. Local leaders such as school officials, law enforcement and state legislators attend.
In 2015, Morrow presented a proposal, including large diagrams, that provided ideas for expansion and stressed the need for repaving. "At the time, my car sat low to the ground so I would always hit the potholes and [I] worried about my suspension," she said. "My best friend was in the marching band and they practice in the student parking lot in the summer. She tripped one day, tore open her knee and had to get stitches."
Morrow's presentation got the attention of the Mustang administration. The district knew the parking lot was in need of an overlay, but was especially interested in Morrow's idea for expansion. Deputy Superintendent Charles Bradley and County Commissioner Dave Anderson approached her after the meeting. She was invited to present her ideas to the Long Range Planning Committee. The goal of the committee, made up of school officials and patrons of the district, is to identify the needs of the district for the next 10 years and how bond funds could be used to satisfy those needs.
Morrow's plan had the extension going all the way to Dowden to create another exit. Although the district was not able to extend the paving that far, the parking lot did receive the overlay and extending the lot created another 55 parking spaces.
Morrow, who graduated in May 2016, is thrilled with the results. "I think it's awesome," she said. "It feels great to leave a legacy behind even if no one knows it was me."
MHS Track
As part of the 2016 bond issue, the 12-year-old MHS track, which was a polyurethane mat, was also replaced. The old track, installed in 2004, was failing, with holes and chips in the surface.
The new 13mm Plexitrac Accelerator was installed by Merritt Tennis and Track Systems, an Oklahoma company in business since 1979. The Plexitrac system is made with poly-resin binders. The surface comes with a five year guarantee with the possibility of an additional five year guarantee.
Installation of the new track was $202,880. Track covers have also been purchased for high traffic areas to protect the surface.
FAQs From 2016
- When is the election and where do I vote?
- Why is this bond issue important?
- Can't the district cut spending enough to handle the bond issue items?
- Tell me more about instructional materials and equipment.
- Why is technology equipment on the bond issue?
- Maintenance Repair, bus replacement and repair and paving/resurfacing and repairs?
- What will this bond issue do to my taxes?
- What percentage of voters must support the bond election?
- Can the bond money be used for teacher and support staff salaries?
- What if I am going to be out of town on election day, Feb. 9, 2016?
- Voters will see two propositions on the ballot on election day. Why?
When is the election and where do I vote?
The bond election is Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016. The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Any registered voter can vote at their regular polling place. Don't forget to take a photo ID. Click here to see a list of polling places. Don't know which polling place is yours? Call the Canadian County Election Board at 405-422-2422.
Why is this bond issue important?
This bond issue would be used to offset costs from the General Fund and Building Fund for necessary items to maintain the progress in the district. The State of Oklahoma suffered a $611 million shortfall by the end of the last fiscal year. Legislators voted to hold education harmless, meaning school districts could expect the same funding as the year before. With Mustang Public Schools and other growing districts like us this still equates to a cut. More than 300 new students moved into the district over the summer and no new additional funds were included to educate them, transport them or provide for their textbooks and other needs. Since 2009, per pupil funding has gone down every year.
Experts at the state level have predicted Oklahoma will see another shortfall that could range from more than $600 million to $1 billion. District administrators have been told to brace for a cut. This bond issue would allow us to be good stewards and keep up with the maintenance and repair of our 13 school sites, continue our progress in increasing security and technology, purchase textbooks, and repair or replace buses. The bond issue will make a difference to every school site.
Larger, growing school districts typically use these types of maintenance bond issues to keep on target with progress and upkeep of facilities.
Can't the district cut spending enough to handle the bond issue items?
No. To makes the cuts necessary in this financial climate would require cutting programs that benefit our students and reducing personnel. We knew the state was experiencing shortfalls. In anticipation of this, the district put an efficiency plan into place last year and cut $1.4 million from spending. The majority of the general fund - around 90 percent - is tied up in salaries. Further cuts would mean larger class sizes and program cuts.
Tell me more about instructional materials and equipment.
The largest item on the proposed bond issue is for instructional materials and equipment. Mustang Schools spends as much as $900,000 annually of general fund dollars for new textbooks. The state allows $55 per textbook, but many cost as much as $125 each.
The state mandates textbook adoption cycles. The subjects are typically on a six-year rotation. English Language Arts textbooks for our student body are being purchased this year. Next year, the district will replace math books. With growth of 300 to more than 500 students a year, MPS also has to purchase the additional textbooks across all grade levels for all subjects for new students. The $1.4 million request on the bond issue will make a significant difference in the district's ability to provide enough textbooks to meet student needs.
Why is technology equipment on the bond issue?
Mustang Public Schools has been increasing security across the district with card readers, cameras and more. Without this bond issue, the district will fall behind in our security as well as in providing the technology infrastructure we need to give our students every available opportunity academically.
Maintenance Repair, bus replacement and repair and paving/resurfacing and repairs?
Yes. Mustang Public Schools is one of the premier 6A districts in Oklahoma, serving more than 10,800 students at 13 school sites. The district has a comprehensive plan to maintain the facilities and buses the patrons have provided for our kids. To put off needed repairs will put the district behind in the maintenance schedule and could lead to larger problems in the future with building maintenance and more buses with more than 100,000 miles on the road.
What will this bond issue do to my taxes?
Through careful planning Mustang Public Schools has worked to keep taxes steady. The Mustang Board of Education set a goal in 2009 to keep the millage level within the 28 mill range. Thanks to the incredible growth in the district's Net Assessed Valuation, the millage has always come in less than 28 mills. We expect the same thing to happen with this bond issue.
What percentage of voters must support the bond election?
Can the bond money be used for teacher and support staff salaries?
What if I am going to be out of town on election day, Feb. 9, 2016?
You can vote early at the Canadian County Election Board Office in El Reno on the Thursday and Friday before the election from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Canadian County Election Board is located at 200 S Bickford Ave, El Reno, OK 73036
Or, you can choose to vote by absentee ballot. To request an absentee ballot, you can download a form from or simply request an absentee ballot by sending a letter that includes your name, your date of birth, the address at which you are registered to vote, the election you're requesting a ballot for, the address where it should be mailed and your signature. Fax, mail or personally deliver your letter to the Canadian County Election Board. The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is always 5 p.m. on Wednesday preceding the election, or for this election, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016.
If your ballot is mailed to you, you must return it to the county election board by mail. An absentee ballot must be RECEIVED by the county election board before 7 p.m. on election day to be counted.
Voters will see two propositions on the ballot on election day. Why?
By law, school buses must be a separate vote in a bond proposition. On Feb. 9, when voters go to the polls, the first proposition will be everything but buses: technology, HVAC maintenance, land, textbooks and paving repair. The second proposition will be only transportation: handicap buses for our special needs population and regular route buses to replace aging buses in the fleet.
2016 Bond Projects
2016 Bond Issue Videos
Proposition 1
1. Provide for improvements to the Mustang Public Schools, to include, but not be limited to acquiring and installing technology services and equipment as well as Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) components as needed district-wide. - $400,000
2. Provide for improvements to the Mustang Public Schools, to include, but not be limited to repairing or replacing HVAC, electrical and mechanical equipment as needed district-wide. - $1,150,000
3. Provide for improvements to the Mustang Public Schools, to include, but not be limited to acquiring land for the construction of future schools and/or district facilities in the south-central area of the district. - $400,000
4. Provide for improvements to the Mustang Public Schools, to include, but not be limited to textbooks, instructional materials, and/or equipment as needed district-wide. - $1,500,000
5. Provide for improvements to the Mustang Public Schools, to include, but not be limited to repairing or resurfacing paving as needed district-wide. - $600,000
Proposition 2
As part of the overall bond program that systematically works to address needs in the district, Mustang Public Schools brought a smaller, focused bond issue to the voters in 2014. A combination of factors including lower interest costs, rising property values spread across a growing population and retiring debt made this issue possible in the bond program.
MPS has spent years simply trying to keep up with growth. The district grew by more than 800 students between 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. This bond issue allowed the district to touch the lives of students through programs that make a difference to them. The bond issue provided special emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and math) and provided additional opportunities for four programs: JROTC, Baseball, Vo-Ag and Softball. These are the kinds of programs where a student can find a niche - somewhere to belong and somewhere to be successful. These are the kinds of programs that keep kids in school through graduation. The bond also included $1 million for a storm shelter at the Mustang Education Center, and the installation of additional storm shelters on the MHS campus.
The $7 million bond issue set aside $1.4 million for a JROTC center. The 8,800 square foot facility includes a common drill space area, a classroom, bathrooms with changing areas, two offices and more. MA+ Architecture designed the building.
The program got its start in the old crafts building, which was originally the district's bus barn in the 1940s. When Mustang High School underwent a multimillion dollar renovation and expansion, the crafts building was razed to make room for new buildings. The Bronco Battalion moved into three classrooms at MHS, had storage in a different location and had drill practice in the 1946 PE building or the 1964 gym.
Mustang's Bronco Battalion was established in June 2005 and quickly gained notoriety as one of the most successful programs in the state. It wasn't long before the program was known nationally at the Army JROTC Academic and Leadership Bowl Championship in Washington D.C. The Bronco Battalion is one of two in the world out of 1,732 programs to qualify six teams for the competition in recent years.
The baseball/softball practice facility was completed in 2015. The concrete block and metal building is 8550 square feet and located next to the MHS baseball field on Juniper Drive. The new facility includes movable netting, which is flexible enough to be moved into multiple configurations or pulled aside completely to allow teams to take fielding practice.
The building is currently configured to include five 75-foot cages and five 25-foot cages. Movable mats that include a painted home plate will protect the turf. The baseball booster club bought the pitching machines. The building also includes two bathrooms, a custodial closet, electrical closet/storage, multi-purpose room for changing and filming and a girls' changing area.
The 2012 bond issue, the largest in the school's history, once again focused on providing schools for the rapidly increasing student population. An optimum size for an elementary school is typically no more than 600 students. At the time the bond issue was passed, three of the district's six elementary schools had exceeded that number. By 2012-2013, the number would rise to four. Trails Elementary and Valley Elementary had the most students enrolled, 871 and 921, respectively.
The 2012 bond issue provided for the creation of two intermediate centers to house fifth and sixth graders. By pulling the fifth graders out of the elementary schools and the sixth graders out of the middle schools, some pressure was relieved on all kindergarten through eighth grade sites. Canyon Ridge Intermediate School was constructed on Sara Road. The original Mustang Middle School, which later was turned into a home for ninth graders as Mustang Mid-High, was transformed again. The repurposed building was reopened in 2013-2014 as Mustang Horizon Intermediate.
While the opening of these too buildings came not a moment too soon, Two of the district's elementary schools were still above the optimum enrollment limit, with Valley at 831 and Trails at 886. Thankfully, the 2012 bond issue provided for the construction of Prairie View Elementary near 59th Street and County Line Road. After months of planning meetings, the building opened in 2014-2015. The attendance boundaries had also been redrawn for each of the elementary schools. Where the highest growth was occurring on the north side of the district, for example, Trails Elementary's boundary was reduced to slow growth at the school while the boundary for Centennial Elementary and others on the south side of the district were increased.
Thanks to the 2012 bond issue, the Mustang High School Event Center opened in 2015 on the east side of the MHS campus. Mustang High School has been using what locals call the "new" gym since it opened in 1964, more than 15 years ago. The building more than served its purpose thanks to the commitment the district has made to upkeep of facilities. After five decades, though, the building was no longer large enough to accommodate events and maintenance problems were on the rise.
The MHS Event Center, a 62,000 square foot facility, will be used for basketball, wrestling, volleyball and special events. There are 2,240 fixed seats, nearly doubling the seating of the current gym. The facility includes nine locker rooms for varsity, junior varsity, freshman boys' and girls' basketball, girls' volleyball and boys' and girls' tennis. There is also a training room, fitness area and coaches' offices. An upper and lower concourse includes restrooms and concessions. The event center features a plaza-style entry and secure area for players and coaches.
Also part of the 2012 bond issue were a new gym for Mustang Elementary and a remodeled gym for Valley Elementary. The new and remodeled facility replaced the old gyms constructed in the mid 1970s.
The most visible accomplishment of the 2009 bond issue was the reinvention of Mustang High School. Voters overwhelming approved the bond issue with more than 80 percent yes votes. The project was completed in three phases, and students continued attending classes on the campus during construction. The renovated campus officially opened in 2012.
Mustang High School was originally the entire school site for Mustang Public Schools, housing grades kindergarten through 12th grade. Before the bond issue was passed, even grades nine through 12 were becoming too large to be housed on the campus. The freshman were then moved next door to the old middle school, renamed Mustang Mid-High, to alleviate overcrowding at MHS. Although the move was necessary, and utilized resources the district already had, instructional time was continually lost as the freshman were bused to the high school for speciality classes.
Before the construction and remodeling, Mustang High School was a collection of more than 15 different buildings. Through August heat, freezing winter weather and spring storms, students made their way outside from building to building. The configuration also made securing the campus difficult. Buildings had to be left open for students to enter.
Completed in three phases, MA+ Architecture and Timberlake Construction remodeled approximately 91,000 square feet of existing facilities and added 79,000 square feet in additional classrooms, a new administrative area and a new cafeteria. The open area in front of the auditorium was enclosed to become the commons. Additionally, the main classroom buildings were all connected under one roof, making it possible to secure the majority of the campus.
Also, an additional 41,000 square foot building was added in phase three, creating a freshman academy. The district's ninth graders were moved back to campus, but had their own building and their own lunch period. The football stadium was also renovated, taking it from a Class 3A to a 6A facility. Instead of fans staring into the sun from the east side of the stadium, new stadium seating was constructed on the west side.
In 2007, voters approved a bond that included funds for the MHS Health and Wellness Center. The center, a 45,000 square foot facility, boasts two regulation-sized basketball courts, 600 square yards of turf, locker and training rooms. A running track is on the second floor, and cardio and weight equipment is available as well.
The Health and Wellness Center, truly a multi-purpose facility, dramatically increased the district's ability to provide for the needs of students and student athletes. Before the center opened, many basketball teams were scheduling practices at 6 a.m. or late in the evening to get time in the "new" gym, which opened in 1964. Basketball was not the only sport that needed time in the gym; volleyball uses gym space as do any outdoor sports - from baseball to track - who are forced inside due to inclement weather.
The Health and Wellness Center answered a need for Mustang Public Schools to move beyond the 1960s Class 3A facilities. The day the center opened, it immediately provided multiple opportunities for our 6A population at Mustang High School. Today the Health and Wellness Center is the home of MHS volleyball games and multiple basketball practices. Cheer and Pom also practice in the facility. It's used for PE classes and weight room workouts. The district also uses the facility for academic testing and it serves as an after-school recreation area for students.
The 2007 bond issue also expanded our capabilities of accommodating the explosive growth in our elementary population with classroom additions across the district. This bond also made it possible to retire some of the aging bus fleet, purchase band uniforms, improve technology and repair and maintain district buildings. #MPSThanksYou voters!
The most notable accomplishment of the 2005 bond issue was the construction of Centennial Elementary, the district's first new elementary school since Mustang Creek Elementary was constructed in 1994; between the construction of Creek and the opening of Centennial in 2007, Mustang Public Schools grew by 1,855 students.
Centennial Elementary, with its interior city sidewalk theme, was a beautiful addition to the district and relieved overcrowding pressure on the other five elementary schools. Nestled in a neighborhood off of Czech Hall Road, it's close enough for many children to walk to school.
Other major accomplishments of the 2005 bond included a new vo-ag classroom and softball and soccer locker facilities. Mustang Schools has more than 1,200 students in the band program. Portions of this bond were used to purchase additional instruments. In addition to improving the district warehouse and administration to keep up with the needs of a district growing at this rate, MPS replaced some high mileage buses, added a new passenger van and a vocational-agricultural truck. Maintenance vehicles and equipment and pavement repair at Mustang Valley Elementary, Mustang North Middle School and Lakehoma Elementary were also included.